Emergencies = Good Advice Bears Repeating January 10, 2025Meg Harrison Duct tape, a pocket knife, twist tie trash bags, zip locks, and a Sharpie. Extra food, water, leashes, collars, halters and lead ropes are indispensable. Double everything you think you need...
Good Growlings February 12, 2024Meg Harrison The Great Dane was “owned” by a woman who’d accepted a date with an attractive, quiet man she’d just met in a bar. (Don’t judge harshly. It was the...
ZOOM, HUNT, BUCK! Then, please, Settle Down. July 28, 2023Meg Harrison Try to stay out of the way of all that happiness - it could be dangerous. Knocked down by your own Dog is not good for your resume or dating...
Grief, Loss, Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue August 08, 2022Meg Harrison Animal guardians, advocates, caregivers are not strangers to grief, loss, trauma or compassion fatigue nor do they pretend to be unaffected - but sometimes we are caught off-guard, stuck deep...
Video of a TEAMWORK team! 30 seconds = guarantee a smile. May 15, 2019Meg Harrison Such a great video of Tess as in the famous PETICURESBYTESS of sunny San Diego showing fabulous love to and from a dog who just minutes ago was distracted, nervous,...
Cheers for Dandelions January 05, 2019Meg Harrison Cheerful Dandelion enjoys a reputation as the “Flower of Survival” because it is commonly the first flower to bloom after winter, because it springs back after being stepped on, is...
Stop a Dog From Jumping and Fetch Me a Beer June 27, 2018Meg Harrison Speaking of humping... your feedback was awesome last week as so many enjoyed the humor of Hump Day in my last note - Thank You! Today is about JUMPING. More...
Oreo - Blind & Beautiful March 08, 2018Meg Harrison This week, we're featuring a little black and white fluffer named Oreo, a blind foster from Mexico, rescued by Wagging Dog Rescue in Southern CA (www.waggingdog.org).
My Experience with Flower Essences March 01, 2018Meg Harrison "I always enjoy learning new things and improving my skills. One of the best places to do that is at the educational conference sponsored by the Association of Professional Dog...
What's so Magic about these Sprays? January 15, 2018Meg Harrison First, they’re unexplainable. Second, they always work no matter what. Third, the positive results effect everyone in the room. Don’t believe it? That’s more than OK. Just like it’s hard...
Homeopathy Made Simple December 10, 2017Meg Harrison Essences succeed due to the fact they deal with the root cause of the problem and literally or figuratively, re-write the experience of past negative experiences and its resultant un-healthy...
30 MINUTES TO SAVE A LIFE October 10, 2017Meg Harrison Flower Essences Right Wrongs This simple statement says it all: Flower Essences right wrongs. I have dabbled in natural solutions for 40 years and settled on Flower Essences for one...
Testimonials From The Dogs November 01, 2014Meg Harrison Now, instead of hiding in the basement, panting and shivering when the thunder starts, she is sitting in the family room with us like nothing is going on!