Good News

Signs of Less Stress and Piloerection in Mammalian Behavior

Signs of Less Stress and Piloerection in Mammalian Behavior

Piloerection is the hair raised on the neck or along the spine on a Dog and is exact same involuntary behavior as in a human.  Being honest, I just...
Grief is Love... with no place to go.

Grief is Love... with no place to go.

Physically I can recall the relief when my vet said: NOT TODAY. 
Captain Morgan, a Horse with a Problem

Captain Morgan, a Horse with a Problem

It would be a month before I heard the black horse had a nickname: Widow Maker. He was not a popular horse. He had bucked off a lot of people. He just exploded and dumped them.
Wolf-Dog Sanctuary

Wolf-Dog Sanctuary

10/10, Our favorite products for the pack!! Review by Jennifer @  Wolf PAWS 'Positive Awareness Wolf-dog Sanctuary': Wolf PAWS 'Positive Awarenes...
Best Dog

Best Dog

Good-byes were always difficult when I had to leave my family since my visits were only a few times a year. Their Pit mix mutt was last. I kissed S...
From Trauma to Recovery in 30 Days with Flower Essences: Starr's Story

From Trauma to Recovery in 30 Days with Flower Essences: Starr's Story

Can't Train Trauma After years of working with rescued and “damaged” horses headed to their end because of bad behavior, I came to believe these ho...
Shakespeare and Beer Helmets

Shakespeare and Beer Helmets

What The FLOCK...  "...collective behaviors are found across the animal kingdom — and regardless of our penchant for Shakespeare and beer helmets, ...
Surviving Trauma

Surviving Trauma

We are so often bystanders, witnesses to our own lives in many ways. Helpless in natural disasters or trying to digest the confusion of human cruel...

Essential Oils + Flower Essence Blends As Herbal Remedies for People

We concentrate on caring for our family, friends and animals and we often neglect ourselves. We created two Essential Oils + Flower Essence aromat...
Goats, Pigs, Rabbits and Others

Goats, Pigs, Rabbits and Others

They love us. We love them - the goats, pigs, rabbits and others. And even though we have never met, the love affair continues.  May I share that B...
Grief, Loss, Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue

Grief, Loss, Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue

 Animal guardians, advocates, caregivers are not strangers to grief, loss, trauma or compassion fatigue nor do they pretend to be unaffected - but ...
Free Advice: Interview with Sherry Woodard

Free Advice: Interview with Sherry Woodard

We are bringing you the last 12 minutes of free advice with our most recent interview with Sherry Woodard, CPDT-KA of &...