April 4th, 2009:
Enzo first arrived at Best Friends in June of 2005. He was found wandering behind Dogtown’s Clinic looking pittifully lost. He was considered semi feral when he first arrived, but through the hard work and committment of the many Caregivers he has had over the years, Enzo has really come out of his shell! Enzo still gets nervous when he is in unfamiliar surroundings, but he loves going on walks and outings with the volunteers who come to see him.
Enzo is a 6 year old Flat Coat Collie mix, and he is most definitely a ‘herder’. Any time we introduce someone new to Enzo’s run, he feels the need to nip at their heels if they are runnning the fence or if they try to leave the run without him. Enzo had hip surgery a couple of years ago and twice a week we take him to hydrotherapy to keep his muscles strong. Enzo is also terrified of thunderstorms!
July 24th, 2009:
Great news!!!…. Enzo has been approved to go on sleepovers with volunteers!!! For those of you that have kept track of Enzo over the years, this is a very big deal. He is currently restricted to on property sleepovers though. So that means if you are staying in the cabins or cottages, we’re asking for your help! Enzo is still nervous when he gets away from his comfort zone, but since he has been doing so well on ‘on property outings’ with volunteers, this is just the next natural step for him. Also the next step toward him finding his forever home!
September 12th, 2009:
For those of you who know Enzo…. this next picture is unbelievable at best. Enzo is completely terrified of thunder storms. We always know one is coming because Enzo begins pacing an panting like a mad man, then eventually he goes and hides in his dog house until even the remaining overcast sky’s are clear. Well, we have found and natural remedy that helps him considerably. The essence therapy comes in a spray bottle and it is called “Drama Trauma”. The maker is BlackWing Farms and their web site is www.blackwingfarms.com It was something that was donated to Best Friends by the maker and we decided “…what the heck, let’s give it a shot”. As you can see below, this is Enzo laying outside his run as a thunderstorm rolls in. This has NEVER happened before! I’m still in shock! We’ve been using this spray on him for over a month now, and the results are the same ever time… Enzo has remains calm and he’s not hiding in his dog house when the weather turns bad! Absolutely Amazing!!!!
September 13th, 2009:
We mainly put it on if there is overcast skies or if we know a thunderstorm is coming. It’s funny, because Enzo always knows way before we do when a storm is coming. So if we even have a hint of rain, we spray it on. And we’ve found that putting it on once every hour keeps him calm throughout. If we only do it once, after about an hour or so he starts to pant again and get anxious. I’m still honestly shocked at how well it works for him. If I didn’t see it for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it!