Good News

Separation ANGST

Separation ANGST

I have come home to a Rottweiler on the roof - YES, LITERALLY. Also, a cowering German Shepherd, an indignant Jack Russell who did not talk to me f...
One Teachable Moment Lasts a Lifetime

One Teachable Moment Lasts a Lifetime

Learning is the memory of an experience coupled with an emotion. Period. Pause. Take that in for a moment. Learning = Experience + Emotion = Future...
Zoopharmacognosy is Animal-medicine-knowing

Zoopharmacognosy is Animal-medicine-knowing

Zoopharmacognosy is a behaviour in which non-human animals apparently self-medicate by selecting and ingesting or topically applying plants, soils,...
Negotiating Part 3

Negotiating Part 3

Give me 2 minutes to Prove that Happily Ever After is Possible HAPPILY...  Gathering information about our Animals is primarily discovering what ma...
Negotiations - Part 2

Negotiations - Part 2

NEGOTIATING WITH OUR PETS - part 2 - Gathering information and Influencing behavior Have you discovered THEIR highest value REWARDS and how you can...
Negotiating with a Dog - Part 1

Negotiating with a Dog - Part 1

Negotiation is the heart of collaboration. It is what makes conflict potentially meaningful and productive for all parties, writes Chris Voss in hi...
Spoiler Alert - I got bit.

Spoiler Alert - I got bit.

   Yup. Bit. And NOPE - did not believe it would happen. However, looking back with 20/20 hindsight, all the signs and signals were blatant.  Here...
Affiliates and Referrals

Affiliates and Referrals

You have something that others may not = The experience of helping animals and people overcome difficult circumstances going on to live full and ha...
Twenty-three Countries Worldwide

Twenty-three Countries Worldwide

WORLDWIDE - 23 countries have requested and received BlackWing Farms' Remedies - a BELGIUM shelter being the latest and greatest!  By the numbers ...
Good Growlings

Good Growlings

  The Great Dane was “owned” by a woman who’d accepted a date with an attractive, quiet man she’d just met in a bar. (Don’t judge harshly. It...
Serve our REMEDIES as a warm soup, tea, or frozen like ice without the cream!

Serve our REMEDIES as a warm soup, tea, or frozen like ice without the cream!

Use our ESSENCES any way that serves you best. Loukia came up with a great idea - Mixing her BlackWing Farms 'potion' :: NEW BEGINNINGS with bone b...
Emergencies = Good Advice Bears Repeating

Emergencies = Good Advice Bears Repeating

Duct tape, a pocket knife, twist tie trash bags, zip locks, and a Sharpie. Extra food, water, leashes, collars, halters and lead ropes are indispensable. Double everything you think you need then double it again. In emergencies, worried about your animals worrying? We have proven ideas!