Good News

Calming a Stressed and Scared Rescue Dog

Calming a Stressed and Scared Rescue Dog

Nik, a shelter volunteer wrote this and videotaped the journey of this WONDER DOG proving that anything is POSSIBLE ! "'Recently, a little 8-year...
The Story of Colonel Squeeek and my Perceptual Blindness

The Story of Colonel Squeeek and my Perceptual Blindness

Can't make this s**t up. Matter of fact, I have always found Truth to be much more entertaining than the best written fiction. Matter in point: C...
Helping Humans One Animal at a Time, the book

Helping Humans One Animal at a Time, the book

There is no substitute for patience, positive training, & understanding but sometimes we simply need to pull the lamp closer to get a better lo...
Cats and Essential Oils Controversy

Cats and Essential Oils Controversy

Stand up for what is right and you will never be wrong.  I’m blogging a letter I wrote today in response to 3 emails querying about Cats and Essen...
What is the difference between a Flower Essence, a homeopathic remedy, and an essential oil?

What is the difference between a Flower Essence, a homeopathic remedy, and an essential oil?

Question: What is the difference between a Flower Essence, a homeopathic remedy, and an essential oil?  A FLOWER ESSENCE is 3-5 flowers, petals, le...
WARNING - Content may be offensive to some Dogmas - CAUTION

WARNING - Content may be offensive to some Dogmas - CAUTION

ATHENA and JESUS This precious 4 year old Girl already loved all animals deeply. Horses were hands-down favorites. On Easter Sunday, she got the ne...
Grief is Love... with no place to go.

Grief is Love... with no place to go.

Physically I can recall the relief when my vet said: NOT TODAY. 
Captain Morgan, a Horse with a Problem

Captain Morgan, a Horse with a Problem

It would be a month before I heard the black horse had a nickname: Widow Maker. He was not a popular horse. He had bucked off a lot of people. He just exploded and dumped them.
Wolf-Dog Sanctuary

Wolf-Dog Sanctuary

10/10, Our favorite products for the pack!! Review by Jennifer @  Wolf PAWS 'Positive Awareness Wolf-dog Sanctuary': Wolf PAWS 'Positive Awarenes...
Best Dog

Best Dog

Good-byes were always difficult when I had to leave my family since my visits were only a few times a year. Their Pit mix mutt was last. I kissed S...
From Trauma to Recovery in 30 Days with Flower Essences: Starr's Story

From Trauma to Recovery in 30 Days with Flower Essences: Starr's Story

Can't Train Trauma After years of working with rescued and “damaged” horses headed to their end because of bad behavior, I came to believe these ho...
Shakespeare and Beer Helmets

Shakespeare and Beer Helmets

What The FLOCK...  "...collective behaviors are found across the animal kingdom — and regardless of our penchant for Shakespeare and beer helmets, ...