One Teachable Moment Lasts a Lifetime

Learning is the memory of an experience coupled with an emotion. Period. Pause. Take that in for a moment. Learning = Experience + Emotion = Future Action.

Emotion experienced at the time of the experience is the memory which dictates action in "this" moment. Make sense?     


CALM @ ALL DOORS :: Note every one of these strategic points of learning is a doorway of sorts. Super important to spray your Remedies 2' - 5' on both sides. Why? Because we are re-wiring brains to make better choices by dis-solving memories of previous maladpted behaviors or inappropriate actions to the task(s) at hand NOW. 

Like too much (re-)action for the situation. "It is just a freakin' doorbell. Not the start of a Zombie invasion." But in defense of the Animals, it could be Zombies. Probably just a package... ...delivered by Zombies. 

Do whatever it takes to allow them to make better choices in the moment - reacting to THIS environment - safe from Zombies. Get them to pause long enough to feel they are safe. This is not going to happen by yelling louder than they bark or tugging on collars until they are gasping and you are wrenching muscles. Or getting scratched trying to get the Cats from under the bed.

Spray the area. Spray treats. Spray yourself. Calm down! Pause! Vital to use Essences AFTER a stressful event while stress hormones are still spiking and that negative, scary memory is wiggling its way into the memory bank, ready for recall whenever that same emotion is triggered. Same sounds, locations, circumstances are not necessary - just the emotion. And if it is one with healthy, positive experiences surrounding it - a good outcome is guaranteed. 


Remember to praise and reward the heck out of the positive moments... the moments you want recalled and repeated in the future. Use your voice as it will be your best asset in the future.

Experience the Reward of Praise = BINGO = Lesson Learned. Pause. Bask. And spritz again! 

TEAMWORK is my favorite for this because I see super fast results no matter how out of control the moment is - Try for yourself - You'll see a pause within moments!! REWARD THAT MOMENT and it will last a lifetime.