Cheers for Dandelions

Cheers for Dandelions

Cheerful Dandelion enjoys a reputation as the “Flower of Survival” because it is commonly the first flower to bloom after winter, because it springs back after being stepped on, is difficult to destroy and harder to ignore. It is colorful, abundant, and hardy. Some would call them obnoxious yet cheerful. Historically used as tea, wine, food, and a “springtime” tonic for eliminating sluggishness. We could sum up this conversation about Dandelion Essence with 3 words: indestructible cheery optimism. One of my absolute favorites.

Dandelion Essence benefits the personality that is often crabby, rarely satisfied, in need of eliminating deep-rooted, negative habits and pessimistic thinking. Dandelion helps those who are in need of adapting to change, requiring the courage and self-confidence of a lion. During and after emergency situations, who doesn’t want a cheery and bold personality?

Taraxacum Officinale, proliferating for 30 million years is a member of the Sunflower family, a meadow herb, officially recognized for medicinal qualities to affect well-being. 100 species exist worldwide, growing up to 2’ tall with roots up to 2’ deep. Excellent as a companion plant because its deep taproot brings up nutrients for shallower rooting plants. Puff balls have 200 seeds, taking root up to 5 miles away. How amazing is all that?

Blending cheerful Dandelion with Pine for peace, Clover for gentleness, Oak for strength, homeopathic Chamomilla 6x for worry is what we call COMFORT especially used for older or infirmed animals we want to make more comfortable. The blend used at shelters, foster homes, and rescues worldwide contains: Dandelion for deep rooted fears, Yarrow for trust, Gorse for optimism, Star of Bethlehem for worry, Sweetgrass for a positive outlook, homeopathic Aconitum 30x for past emotional shock, Arnica 30x & Chamomilla 6x for relief from negative memories - encouraging deep relaxation, we call it NEW BEGINNINGS.

Flower essences and homeopathic remedies for animals (in my opinion) are best when blended together, similar to a companion garden or a circle of friends – deliberately bringing out the singular and collective best in all. The idea is that each unto itself is whole and perfect nevertheless becomes a better version of itself when associated with others.