The Power of Possible continued...

The Truth of the Matter is
You Can’t Make This S_it Up

One clever virus has been documented wearing an overcoat made entirely of bacteria, pulling it over itself like a cape and travels undetected through the body. If anything is found to be out of balance or causing harm, the bacteria is attacked and killed, leaving the virus free to find another disguise. 
Bacteria, collectively and singularly, is the coolest thing ever. Wait until you hear about Halobacterium Salinarum. It’s an amazing story. Back in the 1930’s, someone in northern Michigan wanted to tan an animal hide with salt and sunshine. He remembered seeing salt crystals while exploring a cave. He gathers the salt, spreads the crystals on the hide and sets it in the sun. Bacteria formed on the hide which should not happen. The scientists of the day could not identify the bacteria since it did not “exist” (yet). Not until the 1970’s was there an explanation. Turns out this cave was formed when the salt water sea receded during a climate change dating back 419,000,000 years and left behind salt deposits containing Halobacterium Salinarum
When the bacteria was brought out of the cave and set on a moist hide in the sunshine – IT RE-POPULATED. That’s the word the scientists use, not me. THE BACTERIA RE-POPULATED, as in CAME BACK TO LIFE after FOUR HUNDRED and NINETEEN MILLION YEARS. 
Know what else “re-populates”? Fleas. As in household Cats’ and Dogs’ fleas.
Flea eggs, possibly carrying the bacterial infection caused by Yesinia pestis responsible for creating bubonic plague, live up to 7 years and RE-POPULATE under the right conditions. These 3 simple conditions are a moderate temperature, vibration, and carbon dioxide. That’s it. What that means is, a human (or an animal), walks into a house (moderate temperature) where the eggs have waited up to 7 years (walking creates suitable vibration) and breaths (exhaling carbon dioxide). If any flea is infected and bites someone; bubonic plague is injected straight into the bloodstream, assuring the plague’s survival.
Coincidence: to happen at the same time or occupy the same place simultaneously, in our case, like a problem and its remedy.
Gypsies in the Palace. During the Black Plague pandemic which killed 30-35% of the European population in the 1300’s, Gypsies were said to be able to rob the dead victims without getting sick themselves or spreading the Plague to others. It is also said Gypsies were “greasy.” Particular plant oils combat bacterial infections. Oils purportedly used by the Gypsies included: Tree leaves, Cinnamon, Cloves, Rosemary, and Lemon and/or Lemongrass - coincidentally growing exactly where needed to keep people safe and healthy. 
Malaria is a parasite using the bite of a mosquito to inject itself directly into the bloodstream. Cinchona trees contain quinine which prevents and “cures” Malaria and, coincidentally, the trees grows where Malaria thrives. Is it possible we could discuss cholera, typhoid, syphilis, MRSA, and cancer with a curiosity about respective characteristics (behaviors) of the problem and simultaneously, coincidentally see its remedy? These all have behaviors that keep themselves alive and thriving, often mutating to elude detection and destruction. So what? Well, what if…? What if you were in trouble and the help you needed was right there next to you? This is exactly what happened when building the Panama Canal where French and American workers were dying by the thousands from Malaria but, not the Panamanians. One doctor had his “aha moment” when he saw a healthy Panamanian chewing on Cinchona tree bark! The rest is history: Homeopathic history.